
The Power of Kingdom Sparks
At Scatter, we’re equipping you with the tools and resources you need to thrive in the ways God has uniquely designed you to contribute. We want to see you leverage your personality...
5 Key Skills That Help You Stand Out
In this piece, we want to spend some time looking at how to stand out, because there seems to be this underlying tension that we want to live worthwhile lives, but we...
How to Live a “Worthwhile Life”
Everyone wants to live a life that’s worth it; that’s worthwhile. Instead, we live in a constant state of tension of not knowing how to define worthiness, or worse, not living up...
Meaning in Work
Titles, position, money, power, success — these are rarely what motivate us when we start our careers. Rediscover the meaning in your work in this article by Denver Institute for Faith &...
Kintsugi: The Art of Praying About Our Work
Beauty out of brokenness. If the act of mending is God's work in the world, then it is also ours. And we can start by praying for our work. ...
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